New York Green: Discovering the City’s Most Treasured Parks and Gardens
From tiny corner lots to acres of old-growth forests, New York is filled with a wealth of beautiful green spaces–if you know where to look.
“In this gorgeous book, Ngoc Minh Ngo celebrates public gardens in New York City, in all five boroughs and all four seasons. Poring over the photographs and reading the history of each garden, I wanted to drop everything and race to see them up close—the familiar spaces I’ve loved for decades and especially the hidden gems. This is an essential guide for lifelong New Yorkers and visitors alike.”―Frances Palmer, potter, gardener, and author of Life in the Studio
“For almost four centuries, the once vast unspoiled natural paradise of New York City was subjected to the uprooting and paving over of forests, meadows, and shorelines. The last four decades, however, provided an antidote, with ruined parks restored and thousands of acres of new parks created. New York Green documents in glorious, vivid images the near-miraculous transformation of NYC back to a city of startling natural beauty, from tiny churchyards to vast natural areas and glorious parks built atop post-industrial ruins.”―Adrian Benepe, president of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and former New York City parks commissioner